Friday, August 17, 2007


I have had so many fantastic friends and professional photographers give me some great feedback on this website. Thank you all for everything that you do for me!!!!You guys are the BEST! I cant beleive that there have been over 800 hits on this site in just 3 days!
This company that has designed this web interface is soooo incredible. They have the nicest associates and they are amazing to work with.....especially with the huge client base that they have to deal with.
I am so grateful that those of you who love me, love me for everything but my technical skills. It has taken me many weeks to try and figure out how to use this interface. I have been working on this site progressively for what seems to be "forever"! Up until today............I still didn't even know how to change out the last four images that the interface came with.......but the associates of this web hosting company were so great to walk me through that process. Thanks guys!!!!! You are so appreciated down here in southwest OK! I still have a lot to add, but I will keep working on this diligently. If anyone would like info about the company that I used, feel free to email me.

You know how they say TGIF? (Thank God It's Friday) Well it has been a rather tough afternoon for me. One of my students saw the frustration in my face today and she said the most incredible thing to me. She said, "Mrs. Leal............I want to tell you something that always helps me:
Peace I leave with you,
My peace I give to you;
not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid"
-John 14:27
..what I love about being a lifelong teacher is that just when I think that I am teaching someone something.................that someone turns right around and teaches me back.
Have a GREAT weekend!

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